Well...this is pretty "BREAKING" and pretty exciting.
I am watching "The Ed Show" RIGHT NOW...and Ed Schultz is kicking Glenn Beck's ass all over the place---but the best part was hearing him announce that he will be speaking at the October 2nd 2010 March.
This is march is really coming together!
To Learn More: http://www.onenationworkingtogether.org/
10.2.10 – March on Washington
One Nation Working Together
To be held at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
This Matters. A LOT.
This is huge. Why? Before now, you would be hard-pressed to find ANY coverage of this March on television.
With Ed joining the board---and quite enthusiastically, I might add, this will be a month of T.V. Promotion!